Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL スペシャル13
東京大壁画ガイドSuper Wall Art Tokyo Guide
Education partner:

2021.7.17 – 9.5
アートウォークプログラムSuper Wall Art Tokyo Art walk Program
横尾忠則さん・横尾美美さんの競作による世界最大級の壁画アートTokyo Tokyo FESTIVALスペシャル13 「東京大壁画」。
Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Special 13 “Super Wall Art Tokyo“ is one of the world's largest mural artworks, by Tadanori Yokoo and Mimi Yokoo.
Our guide map and audio guide will show you how to enjoy the artwork.
In this day and age when we rarely get to look up at the sky, visit these places and look up!
東京大壁画ガイドマップSuper Wall Art Tokyo Guide Map
Catch the different facets that "Super Wall Art Tokyo”. Here are some of the places to view and take photos from.
We will also introduce public art placed in nearby museums and streets.
Enjoy "Super Wall Art Tokyo" while strolling around the surrounding area.
東京大壁画音声ガイドSuper Wall Art Tokyo Voice Guide
The audio guide introduces the concept of "Super Wall Art Tokyo" and how to enjoy the work.
We hope you get to immerse yourselves into art listening to the audio guide at the venue.
The audio guide is only available in Japanese.