パブリックアート / Public Art
うずくまる女 No.3 Grande Figura Accoccolate No.3
エミリオ・グレコ 1971年制作(ブロンズ)
1913-1995 イタリア生まれ
Emilio Greco 1971 Production (Bronze)
1913-1995 Born in Italy Emilio Greco, also one of the leading Italian contemporary concert sculptor, is known for its simplicity of women’s beauty. Representative beautiful and feminine images are fruitful and entertaining life. “Figura Accoccolata” is a series, but this NO.3 makes you feel sensual beauty while hiding your body by hugging your knees while scratching your neck. It is a work you would like to enjoy with the beautiful trees and flowers of the 1st building square.