パブリックアート / Public Art
無題 Untitled
加藤 泉 2018年制作(本小松石・着彩)
Izumi Kato Produced in 2018 (painted Honkomatsu stone)
Well represented in Kato’s work is “primitive, or a motif like a fetus.” We have mainly presented paintings with their own view of the world, but since 2005 we began to present sculptures in earnest. After that, using soft vinyl etc, more recently, I am challenging the development of free expression without the boundary between painting and sculpture using stone, coral, leather and cloth. This series of works started as a new work from 2016. In this series, it is important that the final image in which the picture was drawn glows when the writer himself first selects the stone. By combining the selected stones without combining it, a certain amount of shaping is made, drawing a picture, the combination of stone personality without artificial shaping and artist’s creation, and simple paintings and sculptures can be said as a work of sculpture Although it is a unique work is born. This work was produced by imagining the figurine according to the environment of Marunouchi Naka Dori displayed at the exhibition.